Are Cockroaches More Of A Problem In The Summer?
cockroach eating crumbs of food on the ground

If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting a cockroach in your Eureka home, you’re aware that it’s not a pleasure at all. Most California residents would say that finding any pests—especially cockroaches—on their property is a disturbing encounter. And not only are these creatures disturbing to see, but they are also capable of transmitting a number of dangerous bacteria, pathogens, and diseases to you or your family.

Why Summer Leads to More Cockroach Infestations

Here on the sunny side of the United States, our temperatures typically stay warm throughout the entire year. While this beautiful weather might be great for beach days and tourist vacations, the climate is also perfect for cockroaches. This means that cockroaches here in Eureka are a year-round problem. When summer rides in on a tide of extreme heat and moisture, cockroaches can explode in population numbers with the perfect conditions to feed, breed, and reproduce more rapidly than ever. And it doesn’t help that tourist activity during summer adds to the litter and trash that cockroaches enjoy feeding on.

Factors That Encourage Cockroach Activity In Your Home

Summer leads to higher cockroach populations, but why do they invade homes if the outdoor climate is perfect? While it is true that cockroaches are usually able to thrive outdoors, it doesn’t mean they aren't attracted to homes. Cockroaches move to areas that provide them with the means to survive and reproduce. Those things are warmth, moisture, and food. If your property is giving cockroaches easy access to these things, your home could be at risk for a cockroach infestation. Consider checking around your property for the following factors that encourage cockroach activity within your home.

  • Available food sources. Pet food, garbage, crumbs, drink spills, stains, and organic debris are all on the menu for a hungry cockroach.
  • High moisture content. Areas with high moisture levels, such as basements, around water heaters, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens are common hot spots for cockroach activity. Other things that could create lots of moisture on your property include faulty piping, leaky faucets, water-damaged wood, and clogged gutters.
  • Entry points. Cockroaches can’t get inside unless you are allowing them inside. Seal all cracks, gaps, and crevices around every possible entry point. Windows, doorways, foundations, exterior walls, and siding are typical areas where cockroaches invade.

If roaches invade your Eureka home this summer, don’t hesitate to contact the pest technicians here at Accurate Termite & Pest Solutions for immediate assistance. Our residential programs include treatments for pests of all kinds, including roaches. Reach out to Accurate today for the pest control and treatment services you deserve!