What Humboldt County Residents Ought To Know About Effective Spider Control

spider in the middle of its web

Whether you’re afraid of them or not, spiders aren’t a welcome sight inside your home or business. Not only are the creepy critters gross to look at, their presence often indicates a larger and potentially more dangerous pest infestation. Therefore, to get rid of spiders, you have to get rid of the insects they eat as well.

Common Household Spiders

Most common invasive spiders aren’t deadly, and even the ones that pack vicious venom rarely attack humans. For the most part, spiders avoid humans and will only bite if they feel threatened.

In the world of bugs, spiders are at the top of the food chain. Though most are harmless, some pose dangers. That said, it’s important to know what kinds of spiders to look for, and what problems each of them may pose:

House Spiders

This group includes many species, but generally just refers to the ones that aren’t harmful to people or pets. They spin webs for nesting and catching other bugs, but their bites are little more than itchy nuisances.

Yellow Sac Spiders

While their bites aren’t as dangerous as widow spiders or brown recluses, yellow sac bites hurt more than common varieties, and it can cause serious damage to skin tissue. These spiders spin webs that look like their namesake.

Widow Spiders

You probably know about black widows, with their red hourglass shape on their bellies. But brown widow spiders also exist and can lead to worse bites than common house spiders. Brown widow spiders are brown or grey in color, with white spots and an orange or yellow hourglasses on their undersides.

Easy Spider Prevention

Just like all pests, spiders come onto your property in search of food. Unlike other pests, spiders aren’t interested in raiding your pantry. Instead, they hunt other bugs, so the signs of a spider infestation often mean that there are enough other pests nearby to sustain their population. Knowing what you can do to curb infestation might just put you a step ahead of a spider problem:

Food & Trash

Other bugs are foragers, like ants and flies, and these are the most common prey for spiders. Reducing crumbs, spills and easy access to food items will reduce the populations of other pests that draw spiders near

Wood Storage

Many spiders prefer dark, wooded areas that make for easy web sites. Store woodpiles and materials well away from any structures on your property, and be sure to inspect under porches and inside crawlspaces regularly

Access Points

Routinely checking the exterior of your buildings for cracks or holes can clue you into potential access points early. Small pests can crawl through these spots, and proper window screen maintenance and door sweep installation can also ward off pests.


Only a professional knows all the things to look for when determining if your home is protected from spiders and the pests that attract them. Partner with local experts to make sure your home or business has been inspected thoroughly.

Do Things The Accurate Way

Since spiders are often a sign of larger pest infestations, it’s important to act quickly no matter which species of invasive spider you’ve encountered. At Accurate Termite & Pest Solutions, our trained experts know how to prevent and eliminate all kinds of critters that might move into your yard or building. Our timely inspections can help you find possible attractants and determine if you have a current pest problem. Also, our friendly staff is happy to provide you with more prevention tips that you can implement on your own.

If pests are already a problem in your home or business, however, it’s best to get started right away on proper, professional home spider solutions or commercial pest control services that are guaranteed to work. Don’t wait for spiders to turn your property into a hunting ground, call Accurate Termite & Pest Solutions today.